Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Success Stories in Business

Top Success Stories in Business, Caused by failures!

Failing can make you one of the BEST entrepreneur!

  • LOVING your work is one of the vital keys to your success story.

  • Remaining determined and being a risk taker is in the blood of a successful business owner.

  • Setting your goals RIGHT should be prior to implementing a ‘great idea’.

You heard that right! It is often considered a major scene of embarrassment for one at times of failures and let downs in their career. You may curse fate at your end while ignoring the obvious factors that have been occurring sideways all along. Here are some success stories in business put forward by the TOP 6 entrepreneurs to boost your motivation!

Go For a Job you LOVE:

Roland Fraiser, one of the top most talented and intellectual business man started off his career just on money-making premises. He faced thousands of financial crises with lack of experience and lack of interest in his job. He claims ‘the love for your job’ to be at top priority for individuals who seek success. Second comes the wise investment of your initial resources. Instead of wasting money to just get ‘started’, you should already be thinking about your first sale.

Focus with Consistency:

Marla Beck, the CEO of ‘Bluemercury‘ describes herself as a fearless person. She has taken great risks, despite having the potential to fail. One thing she learned from success stories in business is to be a fearless risk taker. Her business has faced many challenges for up till 6 months yet she remained focused and determined.  Now she has expanded her companies all across Washington, DC.

What baseline or approach one should have to be successful in the business he/she pursues,Read the complete article for the guideline.

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