Monday, 5 August 2019

Question on soccer and AI, Man VS. Machine conflict

Question on soccer and AI, Man VS. Machine conflict

  • The use of AI is crucial in soccer.

  • Olocip is a leading agency in this aspect.

  • Besides the fact that there is also a confliction.

As we see that the head coach takes a few minutes to see and analyze the whole situation before decision making. Other tactics for soccer like dropping a player according to the situation are also used. 

What happens if there is a football prediction machine that predicts football results? With the increase in technology, now there is also a need for sports artificial intelligence, that advice coach as an assistant AI, so the best of data can be result-out. But with the increase in technology, there may also occur some issues, which people also say Man VS. Machine conflict.

A Madrid-based consultancy, Olocip, reveals the use of sports artificial intelligence. Granero, who works there, said that previous data can be used in midfield soccer. He suggested the use of graphical interpretation that could be possible with AI.

Read more on how AI can play its role in the data analysis.

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