Monday, 5 August 2019

Indian PM Modi with Bear Grylls on an Adventurous Trip

‘My Job is to Keep You Alive’: Indian PM Modi with Bear Grylls on an Adventurous Trip

  • Shot of beautiful mountains at Uttarakhand’s.

  • PM Modi’s adventure to increase awareness.

  • PM Modi shaping an unarranged spear and rowing a boat.

PM Narendra Modi, 14th prime minister of India, proclaimed on internet to test his courage. He with world most popular survival instructor Bear Grylls, will be complete their journey together. Bear Grylls has also been on the latter’s show ‘Man vs. Wile’, on Discovery channel. He help him to survive as he said that my job is to keep you alive.

During his survival training, 45 seconds clip shared via Discovery channel, in order to promote their channel. Due to air on august 12, on Discovery channel they describe this adventurous trip as “frank and freewheeling journey”. They secure a huge attention as it was broadcast in 180 countries.

In this clip, PM holds wilderness setting, shaping an un-arranged spear and rowing a boat.

When PM Modi was staring at his self-made weapon, he said that he will keep this weapon with him for Grylls. Then Grylls replied that PM Modi is important personality in India my job is to keep him alive.

Shot of beautiful mountains at Uttarakhand’s, a forested wildlife reservation in northern India’s Uttarakhand State, having most beautiful mountains in the world, shows the PM Modi’s good effort to increase awareness of environmental causes and animal conservation. Grylls also had been hosted former president of United States, Barak Obama. 

He exhibit his great feelings with PM Modi, but no stranger more than previously hosted personality, Barak Obama, in his show.

To know the release date of the show and peoples reaction,the trailer was released round more than 180 countries.

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